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Special Education Needs and Disability Information
SENCO: Mrs Nicola Hill E-mail:
VIAT has adopted the SEN Code of Practice as policy in all its schools and believes that all young people with SEN or disabilities should reach their full potential in school and should be fully supported in making a successful transition into adulthood whether in work, Higher Education or training.
We follow the Mainstream Core Standards on how to adapt the curriculum and the learning environment in order to meet the needs of every child. Class Teachers receive regular training and support in order to ensure access for all pupils through a suite of tools;
- Scaffolds and writing frames
- Meaningful response points to reading through; questions, art, music, drama and poetry
- Use of manipulatives
- Differentiated activities that ensure the same outcomes for all pupils
- Appropriate and timely use of ICT
VIAT believes that all young people regardless of SEN or disabilities should be able to access the outstanding quality of education its schools provide and that no child should be restricted by such barriers to learning.
We also make full use of the local offer, available here:
Any complaints from parents of children with SEND should be directed to Dr A Ekins, SEN Director for the Trust.
To read our SEN and Disability Policy and our Accessibility Policy, please visit our Policies Page.
- Special Education Needs and Disability Information