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House System
Within the House System at Valley Invicta Primary School at Leybourne Chase, there are four houses: Red, Green, Blue and Yellow.
- Each House is led by a member of staff known as the House Leader.
- The House Cup will be won fortnightly by the house that has earnt the most house points.
Year 6 children apply for a range of roles in association with the House System:
- House Captain. There will be two Year 6 House Captains for each house. Their job will be to support the children of their house and work with the House Leader for house events.
- There will also be two Year 6 Sports Captains for each house. Their job will be to support the various sports events or competitions that will now be competing in house competitions.
House Points
- House points can be awarded by any member of staff working with any child in the school.
- Each class may have their own class reward systems (table points, class marble jar, etc.) but house points will be a whole school system that can be awarded for a range of reasons.
- These could be (but not limited to) academic work, effort in class, politeness, acts of kindness, teamwork, presentation and so on.
- House points are awarded via Class Dojo.
House Assembly and Award
- House points are collected via Class Dojo every fortnight and this forms part of our fornightly celebration assemblies.
- Winning the House Cup will be recognised with the House Captains lifting the trophy aloft in the assembly with appropriately coloured ribbons adorned. They will then also receive a small trophy symbol added to their coloured section of our school House display.
- All House members will also receive immediate extra playtime from our House Assembly, allowing them to celebrate their success as a House group together.
House Events
- Every long term, Houses will gather in their individual House Leader’s classroom to conduct a House Assembly. In these assemblies, a different focus will be created to develop the team ethos.
- A House Event will also be conducted each term in which the children will compete in their houses and the winning house of each competition will be rewarded.