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Class Dojo
At VIPS Leybourne Chase Class Dojo is a key communication platform which we use for teachers and parents.
Class Dojo is used to celebrate children’s learning and achievements and links to our House Points system within the school. Children can earn Dojo (house) points throughout the school day and these contribute towards our fortnightly house point celebration assembly.
Parents can message our teachers via this platform allowing teachers and parents to communicate easily as per our Class Dojo Policy (see below). Teachers can also post information and signpost parents to articles and links that will be useful for your child’s learning.
“At ClassDojo, we want to transform education for every kid in the world. To do this – and do it soon – we have a simple plan: connect teachers, parents, and students in every classroom, and work with them every day to bring the best ideas into their classrooms.” – ClassDojo
Please click here to access the Class Dojo website for further information.