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Celebrating creativity in all forms, the VIAT Festival of Creativity was a huge success! It was such a joy to see so many prospective, current and former students celebrating creativity and enjoying the events. Well done to everyone involved and thank you to all who came along!


The book has arrived and some of our KS2 Choir can't wait to get started! Want to come? Children who will be in KS2 in September can sign up now you don't want to miss this.


What an amazing performance by our school choir at the VIAT Festival of Creativity on Saturday. They sang beautifully and confidently. We are so proud of them all.


Celebrating creativity in all forms, the VIAT Festival of Creativity was a huge success! It was such a joy to see so many prospective, current and former students celebrating creativity and enjoying the events. Well done to everyone involved and thank you to all who came along!


Mr Royston & Mr Chirnside have been practising for the VIAT Festival of Creativity, where pro Freestyle Footballer Jamie Knight will be hosting masterclasses! Book here: VIAT Festival - VIAT Festival - A Festival of Creativity Tickets, Sat 8 Jul 2023 at 11:00 | Eventbrite


We are so excited that Chelsea Little from the kmfm Breakfast Show will be joining us at the VIAT Festival of Creativity from 12pm! Book your free General Admission ticket here:


A sneak peek of the Art Exhibition that will open this Saturday for the VIAT Festival of Creativity! To book a free general admission ticket which includes entry to the exhibition, please click here:


Not too long to go!


Not too long to go!


The VIAT Festival of Creativity is a vibrant celebration of creativity and talent, featuring a diverse range of events and activities. To book or view the activities and events, head to the link in our bio! 🎷🎺🎨#kent


A sneak peak of this year's VIAT Festival! Expect to see a variety of Art, Literature, Drama and Music performances from students across the Trust. Also attending this year is who will be performing creative Freestyle Football and hosting masterclasses on the day!


The VIAT Festival of Creativity is a vibrant celebration of creativity and talent, featuring a diverse range of events and activities. To book or view the activities and events, head to the link in our bio! 🎷🎺🎨#kent


A sneak peak of this year's VIAT Festival! Expect to see a variety of Art, Literature, Drama and Music performances from students across the Trust. Also attending this year is who will be performing creative Freestyle Football and hosting masterclasses on the day!


Are you looking for a new challenge? We would like a new Classroom Teacher (Key Stage 2) to join our friendly team! You can find all the details on our website -


*SAVE THE DATE* Saturday 8th July, 11am - 4pm An exciting performance opportunity for our pupils at the VIAT Festival of Creativity. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on how to get your child involved.


Year 1 watercolours By


On Friday, Year 5 played Beat the Flood and designed houses that would prevent against flood damage. They looked at different materials and had to keep to a budget


Today we welcomed who was here to present Zoe in Yr 5 with a prize for winning "Litter Angels anti-litter poster competition" Zoe won a goodie bag for herself & £100 for the school. You can find Zoe's poster displayed in McDonalds in Tonbridge. Well done Zoe


Year 1 water colours


Are you a teacher looking for a new challenge? We have a vacancy in our Specialist Resource Provision so why not consider joining our friendly team? You can find all the info here: And you can watch a video about VIAT SRPs here:


Our PTA have been working with our teachers to update our class reading corners, Year 2 is now finished and the children are loving their new space. Thank you to our PTA and all of our parents/grandparents who support our fundraising events.


Year 6 had a wonderful day visiting starting with a tour of the Globe Theatre followed by a practical drama workshop on Macbeth Thank you Shakespeare's Globe.


Are you looking for a new challenge? We would like a Caretaker to join our friendly team - you can find all the details here:


Congratulations to everyone in yellow house


Would you like to join our friendly team? We are currently looking for a full-time Caretaker - you can find all the details, and apply, here:


At Valley Invicta Primary School at Leybourne Chase, we take pride in working with our local community.  We hope the information below will tell you a little bit more about just some of the projects we have been involved in.

Lavenders Residential Care Home, West Malling

Panda Class (Reception) have visited Lavenders on a regular basis to see the residents and to take part in art and music activities.


Our school is signed up to the Neighbourly Project, which donates supplies and fresh food, and allows us to then pass these on to the local community.

Leybourne Chase Parent and Toddler Group

Every Monday, the school opens the hall to the local parent and toddler group for a coffee and play morning.

Leybourne Chase Community Centre

We work closely with the Community Liaison Officer from the Community Centre to promote the school, our events and campaigns, and also to share resources, and discuss local issues. The centre will be displaying some of our artwork in the coming weeks.

Leybourne Grange Riding School

We hold our annual Christmas carol service at this riding school and raise money for them. We also take our Key Stage 2 children horse riding and promote the centre with parents. 

Heart of Kent Hospice

We are taking part in the Elmer Project run by the Heart of Kent Hospice, which involves raising money for the charity through school fundraising events including Elephant Day!  Our children also sing at the Christmas lights switch on in West Malling, which is in aid of this charity.

The Pilsdon Community, West Malling

Our Harvest Festival donations are given to this charity, which helps people in crisis to re-build their lives.

Leybourne Church

The church holds a carol service every year, involving our school choir.  They also use our school facilities for a variety of charity fundraising events, such as an evening fashion show. 


We are one of nine Headstart primary schools in Tonbridge and Malling, and received an award from them for wellbeing and emotional resilience.  We were also given money from the organisation towards creating safe spaces within our schools and we have been able to participate in community 'Pay It Forward' projects which will be funding our sensory garden and helping us to work with other community projects, including one which is underway with Leybourne Grange.  

Salvation Army

We have started an annual project to help the Salvation Army's Christmas Present Appeal which provides gifts for those in need over Christmas.  This project is in conjunction with Valley Park School.

Tom Tugendhat MP

We have campaigned for projects within the local community such as road safety, traffic reduction and cleaner air and we have had Tom Tugendhat to visit and see first-hand the issues we are facing. 

NHS England Conference

We took part in a multi-agency conference which was attended by a multitude of professionals, where a group of our children spoke confidently about Student Voice. 

Mayor Visit

We often invite the Mayor to visit us and also our children take part in the mayoral debates at the official chambers in Kings Hill. This is a great experience for our older pupils to develop their spoken English.

Local PCSO

We work closely with the local PCSO to talk about safety in the community.

Taylor Wimpey 

Taylor Wimpey has sponsored our sport kits which are worn proudly across all the VIAT primary schools during sporting competitions.  They have also sent representatives to talk to the children about safety on building sites as the Leybourne Chase development moves forward.

Pippin's Nursery

We invite the nursery to come and watch our nativity play at Christmas and also invite them to attend taster mornings throughout the year.

Leybourne Pre-School

We visit the pre-school regularly and invite them to visit the school. We also will be working with them more closely to help them understand the expectations for school readiness.


We continue to support this charity with events and they will be helping us with our Mother's Day events this year.


Our Community Work:

Community Links 2023/24