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Geography is the study of places. It explores the relationships between the world and its people. It studies the location of the physical and human features of the earth and the processes, systems and inter-relationships that create and influence them. It examines how people affect, manage and sustain their environment. Geographical enquiry helps children to learn about their immediate surroundings, the broader world and how the environment can affect their lives and determine decision-making. The study of geography helps to develop a sense of identity and promotes responsible citizenship.
At Valley Invicta Primary School at Leybourne Chase, the mastery curriculum, which covers National Curriculum is designed to ensure that children leave our school in Year 6 as independent enquirers, creative thinkers, reflective learners, team workers, self - managers and effective participators. We believe that Geography is integral to this. Geography should instil in our pupils a curiosity about the world and its people.
Geography provides a means of exploring and understanding the world in which we live and the different cultures within it through our whole school themes. This immersive mastery curriculum promotes high level language, a knowledge rich content and thought provoking questioning, as our children understand and relate their learning to the principles of the United Nations Conventions for the rights of the child and the Sustainable Development goals as they become global citizens. As their learning progresses our pupils will deepen their knowledge and understanding of the human and physical processes of our world and of the formation of landscapes and environments. Our pupils will be motivated to find out about their physical world and recognise the part they can play in the sustainable development of our planet for their future through a wealth of real life experiences such as high quality trips to Kent Wildlife Trust and workshops from visitors to explore locations. Our pedagogical approach of open ended instruction that takes account of different learning styles, integrated enquiry based learning with formative and summative assessment to ensure pupils are reaching the mastery standard. This approach enables our children to demonstrate that they remember more, know more and understand more.
Through authentic outcomes, children are given the opportunity to demonstrate the progress, the knowledge and skills they have acquired.
The pupils’ books will clearly demonstrate the progress they have made and the knowledge they have gained. We ensure that our children’s attainment and progress are in line, or exceeding, their potential.
Children will be able to talk clearly and knowledgeably about their learning and make clear links between pieces of learning across the curriculum and their learning within key themes across key stages.
All Pupils will continue to make good progress and attain well at the end of each Key Stage. Pupils with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes and acquire knowledge and skills for life. Adapted learning resources ensure that they can fully engage with the learning intention.
Pupils are able to use what they have learned and can show that they remember what they have learned in a variety of ways.
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