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Personal Development
As a Trust we pride ourselves on identifying and signposting our pupils to clubs, events and wider opportunities that they may want to explore that can enhance and develop their passions and expertise.
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
The personal development, behaviour and welfare of every individual pupil is at the heart of the VIPS at Leybourne Chase curriculum. Read this page to find out more information about how we teach our children to be happy, healthy and safe.
Personal Development at VIPS Leybourne Chase
Watch these videos showcasing the amazing work, acitvities and experiences our children had as part of their personal development curriculum. Each activity is linked to articles from the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child. As a Rights Respecting Gold school, the rights of the child are at the heart of our school curriculum and ethos.
Autumn Term 2024/25:
Summer Term 2023/24:
Spring Term 2023/24:
Autumn Term 2023/24:
Spring Term 2022/23:
Autumn Term 2022/23:
Summer Term 2021/22:
Spring Term 2021/22:
Building Positive Learning Behaviours
At the core of our learning ethos is the idea that we are teaching our children to be the mathematicians, scientists, writers, historians, geographers, designers, artists and musicians of the future. We aim for our children to have the skills to be independent, motivated and engaged learners with a deep understanding of their subjects. We actively ask our children 'what does good learning look like?' and encourage them to take ownership of their own learning journey.
We build strong relationships between home and school, beginning with the home/school agreement that all parents/carers sign. We also hold regular curriculum information evenings and information sessions for parents and carers so that they have a good understanding of how their children learn at school and the values we uphold.
Celebrating Success
We aim for all our pupils to have a positive attitude to learning and to be proud of their achievements both in school and out of school. Every Friday morning we have a whole school Celebration Assembly that the children and teachers love. The Celebration Assembly gives us all a chance to share the fantastic learning that goes on in our classrooms and to celebrate individual achievements.
Each Friday, we celebrate:
Presentation Award: A child from each class recieves praise and a certificate to recognise their excellence in presentation skills.
Star of the Week: A child from each class is presented with a certificate to recognise their exceptional attitude to their learning.
Rights Respecting Schools Award: One child within the school is commended for their commitment to the Rights Respecting Schools initiative.
All the children who are celebrated in the Celebration Assembly are also mentioned in the school newsletter as well as on their class website and on a school display board in the entrance hall.
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare |
Behaviour policy |