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Leybourne Chase give input to NHS conference
This week, our school was invited to give an input to an NHS conference, focused on mental health.
We were approached after we recently became a HeadStart school, which means we always aim to have a positive impact on emotional wellbeing and that we actively encourage our children to talk about their mental health.
We showed a video we made about what it means to be a Rights Respecting school and the feedback has been brilliant!
Emily, an Emotional Wellbeing Participation Worker, said: "Thank you all once again for your commitment and the time taken to prepare and present yesterday. The presentation was truly beyond anything we could have hoped for and the messages the children wanted to get across were delivered clearly and with passion. Please thank them all on my behalf."
Jane, the Head of East Kent Children's Commissioning Support Team, said: "
I wanted to say thank you for coming to our children’s event yesterday and giving such a brilliant performance. You were absolutely amazing and your passion, confidence and composure was inspiring. You gave such a clear message to the people there about how wonderful children are and why they are so important. You have absolutely done some fantastic work in your school which it was great to hear about.
"We feel very grateful that you were able to attend and share your story with us."
You can see the video here!